Monday, March 9, 2009

How beautiful is potty training??????

I always wondered why mother's would say "Potty Training", it's a beautiful thing......Ave is now learning to go to the bathroom on the big potty. She has been very successful in going #1, but #2 is a challenge for her. She has partially been successful, which points me to believe that she will be successful soon. It's always fun to see that success on their face and her's is a joy......she claps and during the whole ordeal, sings twinkle twinkle little star and also the ABC song while she waits for the "happening". I am proud of her and will continue to work with her so she will be a big success.

1 comment:

Chris said...

kristi is having a hard time with Gentry too. She does real good then reverses back. She better hurry and get her trained since the new baby is due any time.