Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A whole new world......

I thought I had it bad when I learned how to crochet. I ended up making about 14 afghans in 5 months. I'm beginning another one. However, my friend from high school lives right behind me. She's our Relief Society President and is the guru of guru's when it comes to quilting. I signed up to learn how to do this craft along with many other women from my ward. I realized it was almost more than I could understand, but I did get the first square of my Hawaiian quilt finished. It took me about two days, when Cathy said, "Once you get the hang of it, one square will only take you about an hour. Duh. Anyway, I purchased 4 packages of Hawaiian print material while visiting Lesli in Hawaii a month ago and now I can put them to good use. I've got many months ahead of me to finish this quilt, but if I get the hang of it, maybe by summer, I'll have it finished. This is only the first square and the other squares are pretty too, but different colors......I'll be excited to get it finished that's for sure.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You're just so talented!!! That will be so nice when you get it done. I can't wait to see it..