I'm sure we all have those rolls of film from way back when. I know there is approximately 8 rolls in my roll-top desk that I need to take in. I don't have any idea what is on the film, but I'm going to take it in and find out. Kay had a couple rolls of film from last year he took in, and here are a couple of those pictures. When I get the film developed from the desk, I'll post some of those. I'm sure they will be old.
The picture with Kay's sister and brother-in-law and me was only from last August on our 19th wedding anniversary. The one with Kay was at Christmas. We had a lot of fun on what Kay calls our "Anniversary honeymoon". It brings to thought the reasons we are married. I know that it seems to me we hurt the people we love the most. I guess that's why marriage is so hard and you have to really work at it. I love seeing a smile on Kay's face. I try everyday to do those things that would make that smile happen. I know life is too short to bicker over all the things we do wrong; we never seem to remember all those things we do right and tell each other about those instead of dwelling on those wrong things. When we lack praising each other and only see wrong things in each other, your bound to have disagreements because we each get defensive. It's my goal to work harder at marriage and be an example to those around us. When I look at my husband and how he helps me, doing laundry, helping me clean up the house, and even telling me I should take a break, I really feel he wants to make me smile as well. I just have a lot to learn about making sure I remember all those good things and quit barking about the stupid little things he says and does. That's so not important when it comes right down to it. He's my life partner. I love him.
1 comment:
Even though I'd like to choke him sometimes Roger is a great husband too..hahahaha..j/k I'm sure he feels the same about me. Can you believe it will be 32 years in Aug.? He's a good helper too and has been a good example to my boys because I know they help their wives a lot.
Just a side note on my blog that you commented on today... crazy how I wrote that the second week of Feb. then a week later Daxton was in the hospital and now Jakes cancer. Your comment made me read that again and reflect on why we go through trials..
Love you
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